Thursday 3 December 2015

The process of getting my book out there

First and foremost, it wasn't easy. I have lost count of how many drafts I completed before I had it self-published. And the funniest thing is that I had thought for days after my second draft that my book was ready to be published- believe it  or not, there was no mention of Diane and the Queen until the end of the book! And I had submitted that to Penguin and Panmacmillan for consideration at that point- it was rejected of course, and I regret for not giving myself more time before submitting.

Well a few days after that ideas came crawling into my head. After each draft, I reviewed the book and added more changes- a lot of them.And the process went on until I forced myself to stop this November. I still look back to see if I could have made the story better- but oh well. 

As of now still working with a proofreader to get the last of the errors out from my book. And in a few days will consider sending it out to another publisher. I hope it will work this time (fingers crossed)

But it seems that getting the book published on Amazon isn't the end- marketing and promotion is to be done. How sad! I need to gather reviews and promote my book for sales. Maybe then I'll have peace to continue working with the draft of my next in the series soon. 

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